
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Meet the McKenneys

    With the month of May kicking off with a busy start, it is great to take some time out to sit down and talk to you all about a great little ranch family that I know.  I am blessed to have the opportunity to meet with calf raisers, finishers and feed yard owners and visit with them about their lifestyle and businesses and I started right in my hometown with some folks that I have known for years.    

Christi and Mark McKenney 

     Mark and Christy McKenney, of McKenney Stock Farms in Rock Port, MO, are a fourth generation cattle farm.  Mark's Dad, Tony, and his Mom, Phyllis, have raised commercial cattle and registered Angus cattle for many years.  Mark always knew that he was going to continue this family heritage and feels right at home in a hay truck with cows following close behind him.  His wife, Christy, enjoys working along side her husband, and their 17 year old son, Jacob as they complete their daily chores and get the farm work done as a family.  

Jacob's Angus cross cow and her calf born this spring
      The McKenney's raise commercial cattle and sell them at a sale barn after they are weaned when they reach seven to eight months old.  Jacob has a few  special cattle in the herd that he breeds especially for club calves and then shows the calves in local 4-H shows and county fairs.  
  The McKenneys spend a lot of time caring for their cattle and hanging out together on their farm.  They enjoy the lifestyle and the peaceful nature of cattle ranching.  "Being close to nature and my family is the reason that I am in this business", says Mark.  

    Sitting with the McKenneys on a patio beside their house, we look out at the pasture with cattle grazing serenely and chat about the cows, grazing programs, beef in the grocery store, and current events.  Their dog, Turbo, comes up to get a scratch and dances around our feet.  Turbo is a Border Collie, and since Christy has taken an interest in Border Collie trials, the family has gone to Iowa to a class to train Turbo as a herding dog recently.  When he is trained they will be able to use him on the farm to round up cattle.      

Cows and calves relaxing in a pasture at McKenney Stock Farms

     The McKenneys are one of the many cattle ranch families in Missouri.  With ranches in every one of the state's 114 counties, Missouri has the second largest number of beef cattle in the nation.  97% of their cattle ranches are family owned and operated like McKenney Stock Farms.  They are everyday people doing an important job keeping our nation fed and our cattle safe and healthy.          
    Thank you, Mark, Christy and Jacob for taking the time to tell me your beef story.  If you pick up this month's issue of Missouri Ruralist you will find a picture of Christy and myself and a story about advocating for beef.  What an honor it is to be featured in this great magazine.